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Bombas resistentes a la corrosión y al desgaste
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Corrosion and wear resistance pump

Our submersible pumps are mainly made of Ductile iron(Nodular cast iron QT600-3),which is wear-resistant, long-life material, suitable for PH4-10 sewage medium.

When the PH of medium environment is less than 4, we recommend using stainless steel 304, 316, 316L, or choose duplex stainless steel to make the wet end parts. (Corrosion resistance duplex stainless steel > 316L > 316 > 304)

For the medium contains more sand, or large particles ,here recommend to use of high-chromium material,it is one of the best anti-wear materials, taking into account the good resistance to high temperature and corrosion resistance. At present, the high chromium material used by our company is Cr26.

  • Anti-corrosion Submersible pump

  • Wear resistance Submersible pump

When the medium is corrosive(PH2-4 or PH>10),we recommend using stainless steel 304, 316, 316L, or choose duplex stainless steel for the wet end parts. (Corrosion resistance duplex stainless steel > 316L > 316 > 304).

When the medium particle content is large and more, easy to cause wear to the flow parts, it is recommended to choose high chromium(Cr26)material.